Atlantis in China: The Lion City is still entirely intact 1,300 years later, 130 feet underwater

  • February 3, 2024

A maze of white temples, memorial arches, paved roads, and houses… hidden 130 feet underwater: this is China’s real-life Atlantis.

The so-called Lion City, tucked in a lake between the Five Lion Mountain, was once Shi Cheng – the centre of politics and economics in the eastern province of Zhejiang.

But in 1959, the Chinese government decided a new hydroelectric power station was required – so built a man-made lake.

Metropolis: Shi Cheng, dubbed Lion City after the Lion Mountains that surround it, has lain hidden under 131 feet of water since 1959 to generate hydroelectric power

A Chinese city, forgotten after it was flooded when the government built a dam that turned the valley it was in into a lake, has resurfaced as an underwater adventure park for tourists.
The ancient city of Shi Cheng was also known as the Lion City because it was located in the province of Zhejiang, where it was surrounded by the five Lion Mountains.
Founded over 1,300 years ago, it vanished from view 53 years ago when the Chinese government decided they needed a new hydroelectric power station. A dam was built to create a man-made lake, and as the water rose, the city was left at the bottom of this new found body of water.
Depending on where on the lake bottom it is, the city is between 85 and 131 feet underwater.
And there it remained forgotten until Qiu Feng, a local official in charge of tourism, introduced the idea of using Shi Cheng as a destination for diving clubs.
For the first try it was a voyage of discovery, and Qui said: “We were lucky. As soon as we dived into the lake, we found the outside wall of the town and even picked up a brick to prove it.”
It was later discovered that the entire town was intact, including wooden beams and stairs.
Now the city had attracted interest from archaeologists and a film crew has been on site to record the preservation of the lost ruins.

Classical: The structures in Shi Cheng were built 1,300 years ago featuring traditional Chinese statues. Away from the wind and sun, it has remained intact

Erecting a dam, the historical metropolis was slowly filled with water until it was completely submerged by the turquoise-blue mass now referred to as Qiandao Lake.

Depending on where on the lake bottom it is, the city is between 85 and 131 feet underwater.And it lay forgotten for 53 years.

Greek philosopher Plato wrote about Atlantis some 2,600 years ago, describing it as ‘an island situated in front of the straits called the Pillars of Hercules.’ Incredible detail underwater at China’s Atlantis in Qiandao Lake

Hidden: The city was once a political and economic hub for eastern China but after authorities built the man-made Qiandao Lake in 1959, it is nowhere to be seen

Divers have rediscovered the opulent city and plan to bring tourists round

A Chinese city, forgotten after it was flooded when the government built a dam that turned the valley it was in into a lake, has resurfaced as an underwater adventure park for tourists.
The ancient city of Shi Cheng was also known as the Lion City because it was located in the province of Zhejiang, where it was surrounded by the five Lion Mountains.
Founded over 1,300 years ago, it vanished from view 53 years ago when the Chinese government decided they needed a new hydroelectric power station. A dam was built to create a man-made lake, and as the water rose, the city was left at the bottom of this new found body of water.
Depending on where on the lake bottom it is, the city is between 85 and 131 feet underwater.
And there it remained forgotten until Qiu Feng, a local official in charge of tourism, introduced the idea of using Shi Cheng as a destination for diving clubs.
For the first try it was a voyage of discovery, and Qui said: “We were lucky. As soon as we dived into the lake, we found the outside wall of the town and even picked up a brick to prove it.”
It was later discovered that the entire town was intact, including wooden beams and stairs.
Now the city had attracted interest from archaeologists and a film crew has been on site to record the preservation of the lost ruins.

Even wooden structures remain surprisingly strong, according to the team that have gone to inspect

A Chinese city, forgotten after it was flooded when the government built a dam that turned the valley it was in into a lake, has resurfaced as an underwater adventure park for tourists.
The ancient city of Shi Cheng was also known as the Lion City because it was located in the province of Zhejiang, where it was surrounded by the five Lion Mountains.
Founded over 1,300 years ago, it vanished from view 53 years ago when the Chinese government decided they needed a new hydroelectric power station. A dam was built to create a man-made lake, and as the water rose, the city was left at the bottom of this new found body of water.
Depending on where on the lake bottom it is, the city is between 85 and 131 feet underwater.
And there it remained forgotten until Qiu Feng, a local official in charge of tourism, introduced the idea of using Shi Cheng as a destination for diving clubs.
For the first try it was a voyage of discovery, and Qui said: “We were lucky. As soon as we dived into the lake, we found the outside wall of the town and even picked up a brick to prove it.”
It was later discovered that the entire town was intact, including wooden beams and stairs.
Now the city had attracted interest from archaeologists and a film crew has been on site to record the preservation of the lost ruins.

A Chinese city, forgotten after it was flooded when the government built a dam that turned the valley it was in into a lake, has resurfaced as an underwater adventure park for tourists.
The ancient city of Shi Cheng was also known as the Lion City because it was located in the province of Zhejiang, where it was surrounded by the five Lion Mountains.
Founded over 1,300 years ago, it vanished from view 53 years ago when the Chinese government decided they needed a new hydroelectric power station. A dam was built to create a man-made lake, and as the water rose, the city was left at the bottom of this new found body of water.
Depending on where on the lake bottom it is, the city is between 85 and 131 feet underwater.
And there it remained forgotten until Qiu Feng, a local official in charge of tourism, introduced the idea of using Shi Cheng as a destination for diving clubs.
For the first try it was a voyage of discovery, and Qui said: “We were lucky. As soon as we dived into the lake, we found the outside wall of the town and even picked up a brick to prove it.”
It was later discovered that the entire town was intact, including wooden beams and stairs.
Now the city had attracted interest from archaeologists and a film crew has been on site to record the preservation of the lost ruins.

A Chinese city, forgotten after it was flooded when the government built a dam that turned the valley it was in into a lake, has resurfaced as an underwater adventure park for tourists.
The ancient city of Shi Cheng was also known as the Lion City because it was located in the province of Zhejiang, where it was surrounded by the five Lion Mountains.
Founded over 1,300 years ago, it vanished from view 53 years ago when the Chinese government decided they needed a new hydroelectric power station. A dam was built to create a man-made lake, and as the water rose, the city was left at the bottom of this new found body of water.
Depending on where on the lake bottom it is, the city is between 85 and 131 feet underwater.
And there it remained forgotten until Qiu Feng, a local official in charge of tourism, introduced the idea of using Shi Cheng as a destination for diving clubs.
For the first try it was a voyage of discovery, and Qui said: “We were lucky. As soon as we dived into the lake, we found the outside wall of the town and even picked up a brick to prove it.”
It was later discovered that the entire town was intact, including wooden beams and stairs.
Now the city had attracted interest from archaeologists and a film crew has been on site to record the preservation of the lost ruins.

There are rows of houses made out of brick, with wooden stairs that are still almost pristine

He said the island he called Atlantis ‘in a single day and night… disappeared into the depths of the sea.’

Searches continue across the Mediterranean, particularly around Gibraltar, to find the original Atlantis.

But China’s manmade version will soon be a renowned attraction.

Qiu Feng, a local tourism official, has now suggested using Shi Cheng as a destination for diving clubs.

Carvings: Visitors will be able to see the traditional engravings first-hand when guided by Qiu Feng and her team

A Chinese city, forgotten after it was flooded when the government built a dam that turned the valley it was in into a lake, has resurfaced as an underwater adventure park for tourists.
The ancient city of Shi Cheng was also known as the Lion City because it was located in the province of Zhejiang, where it was surrounded by the five Lion Mountains.
Founded over 1,300 years ago, it vanished from view 53 years ago when the Chinese government decided they needed a new hydroelectric power station. A dam was built to create a man-made lake, and as the water rose, the city was left at the bottom of this new found body of water.
Depending on where on the lake bottom it is, the city is between 85 and 131 feet underwater.
And there it remained forgotten until Qiu Feng, a local official in charge of tourism, introduced the idea of using Shi Cheng as a destination for diving clubs.
For the first try it was a voyage of discovery, and Qui said: “We were lucky. As soon as we dived into the lake, we found the outside wall of the town and even picked up a brick to prove it.”
It was later discovered that the entire town was intact, including wooden beams and stairs.
Now the city had attracted interest from archaeologists and a film crew has been on site to record the preservation of the lost ruins.

Before: This is a sketch of the city dating back hundreds of years, showing people pacing the streets and goods being carted in on horseback

Locator: The newly-built lake, which has generated hydro-electric power for the region, is just south of Shanghai in the far east of China

A team was dispatched to explore the city before tours are designed.

Qui said: ‘We were lucky. As soon as we dived into the lake, we found the outside wall of the town and even picked up a brick to prove it.’

Protected from wind, rain, and sun, the entire city has been branded a ‘time capsule’ as almost every structure remains completely intact, including wooden beams and stairs.

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